Friday, March 7, 2014

Evoking Emotion Through Art

Aspire Gallery Online is starting to have some beautiful art listed. Most of the pieces evoke a lovely sense of beauty, restfulness and calm. I am hopeful that these pieces will find homes soon and subsequently extend these lovely responses to their new surroundings and their new viewers.

Recently, I posted on the Aspire Gallery Facebook Page the following quote, and I discussed how people often forget about this point when viewing art:

My work ( as shown below ) for example tends to create a nice, happy, feel-good feeling. That is probably because I use art as a form of relaxation and meditation and tend to let my pieces form themselves without much planning beforehand.

It is imperative as a viewer to remember that when art evokes an emotion it doesn't have to be a lovely pleasant emotion. Even, if the viewer feels a sense of disgust or is uncomfortable, the art piece is doing its' job well.

Sometimes, art can create the feeling, " What is this? " ," I don't understand." , " This is not art." But that is the point - the piece is making you think. Niggle at your boundaries and make you question. Art is making its' voice heard by making you find your own.

Below are examples of art | FABRY contemporary's work who is exceptionally good at doing exactly that.

Art can make people address issues they perhaps may not wish to address - whether religion, politics or sex. It is by addressing such issues, discussion, debate and subsequently tolerance or resolution can be established. 

This is of course, is in utopia. The power of art unfortunately, can also scare people that require order through control. Even, here in Australia, in our relatively free and safe country - artists in Queensland had a mass exodus during the the conservative political reign when Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen was Premier (1968 - 1987). During this time creative and questioning minds were not welcome. Some artists involved in the 'Right to March' protests were even locked up a result.

Below is the flyer that was used to promote the ' Return to Sender ' exhibition at the UQ Art Museum, held in 2012. 

"'Return to Sender' is an exhibition of works by artists who left Queensland in the late 1970s and early 1980s, largely in reaction to the political and cultural milieu of the Joh Bjelke-Petersen era. While the exhibition is inspired by this exodus, it also invites a focus on ideas that were then circulating in Australian art, especially in Sydney where many of the artists were based.
The exhibition comprises works made during the 1980s and early 1990s that employed photomedia in still or moving images, some linked to performance-based practice". 

Imagine other countries that are not so safe and free the voice art can have.

With the political unrest in Kiev, capital of Ukraine we are seeing such a voice and it is creating an impact. Revolutionary art is being shared through the internet, making people aware who may not be, turning an issue into a world-wide issue. Furthermore, art being a visual medium, and created through the hands and heart, it allows such a message to become even more poignant than a television or radio news broadcast.

So, as a creator we need to think about the voice we are imparting through our piece, and as a buyer we should also carefully think about this concept.

Do we wish to purchase a lovely feel good, relaxed piece - maybe perfect in our reception where a calmness needs to prevail?

But, for our dining room do we wish to have a piece of art that evokes conversation, encourages debate and becomes the catalyst for further stimulating conversation?
I think perhaps, YES.

Kreative Kisses,

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