Thursday, January 23, 2014

More Than One Way To Look At Things

People often ask, "Why consider an online art gallery? Why not concentrate on establishing the physical gallery first?"

Establishing my online gallery was originally started for practical reasons - the physical building still required some renovation work - and was planned as a quick alternative to show the wonderful work that is being produced by the many talented artists.

However, creating an high functioning website was more complicated than originally thought.

So why persevere?

An online gallery opens alternative and wider doors to help artists, designers and craftspeople's work be noticed - which a physical gallery does not have the ability to do.

Hence, the main benefit of an online gallery is greater publicity. The artist, designer or craftspeople's work can be exposed to numerous visitors to the website each month as opposed to the number that actively visit a physical space. This in turn, increases your customer base either directly or via word of mouth.

This quote taken from an insightful Facebook page certainly emphasises this point.

See original Facebook post here
Let's relate this to art. Newsprint is a low-cost, non-archival paper most commonly used to print newspapers, and other publications. It was designed to be a throw away medium. Yet artists have looked at this material with new eyes that subsequently has created  some quite remarkable results.

Elizabeth Armstrong has used newsprint as a base on which to layer her paints (see below). This has resulted in a lovely subtle textural effect.
See original Facebook post here
Below is an example of my work in progress. I have chosen to create a collage with the newsprint as the background. Not only did I like the concept - a medium with a limited lifespan, as a newspaper / magazine - but this related to the theme of my piece - that beauty in today's society is also classified as a limited asset. Furthermore, I chose words on the newsprint that related to beauty and age........

Another artist that uses this clever medium to create a collage is Sara Riches. In this case Sara uses the newsprint as layers to represent the wind swept skirt. The paper itself acts as a sharp contrast to the other more detailed work.

See original Facebook post here
In Sara's second piece - newsprint is not used. Instead Sara has chosen the more elegant piece of sheet music. This creates a very whimsical feel to her figure.
See original Facebook post here
Newsprint, or other written medium is just one material that can be used to create an extension of the feeling the artist is trying to convey. It simply creates inspiration for creativity.

Kreative Kisses

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Contrast and Colour

Aspire Gallery Online is slowing progressing. I am in a desperate need to start painting myself and find most of my time is spent more on editing and the intricate nuances involved with the website. However, creating the website is not all about dry programming, the aesthetics are of equally important......It is these two contrasting elements that need to work within the constraints, yet remain balanced, that will make the website appealing.

A clever artist can also manipulate contrast to create a desirable piece. Contrasting colour in an artwork, for example, can make the work pop, yet also remain balanced.

So, how does an artist achieve this?

One way is to use complementary colours, because when placing complentary colours next to each other they appear brighter and more intense. Providing complementary colours are used in a ratio effect, they will also create balance to the eye, yet at the same time make a component pop.

In simplistic terms, complementary colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel  (example: red and green).

However, a better definition is that 
- the complementary colour of a primary colour (red, blue, or yellow) is the colour you get by mixing the other two primary colours  Hence, the complementary colour of red is green, of blue is orange, and of yellow is purple.
- the complementary of a secondary colour is the primary colour that wasn't used to make it. The complementary colour of green is red, of orange is blue, and of purple is yellow.
Artist, Claire West Painterprintmaker creates wonderful contrast through complementary colours - see example below.
Claire West Painterprintmaker
See original Facebook post here
Another artist that uses contrast effectively with complementary colours is Marie O'Driscoll

See original Facebook post here

See original Facebook post here

And, jewellery designer Marie les bas bleus  also uses complementary colours to create contrast magnificently. 
Analogous colours can also create contrast, though a little thought is required. Analogous colours are colours that are next to each other on the color wheel and thus when placed next to each other they create serenity.

To create contrast with analogous colours - choose one colour to dominate, a second to support and a third colour  (along with black, white or grey) as an accent.
See original image here

Another way to create an effective contrast is to use analogous colours in the rainbow effect. This works because although analogous, the eye doesn't stay focused on one area but scans the whole and identifies differences.

The Creative Crochet Collection
See original Facebook post here

Below is a mix, can you identify where complementary or harmonious has been used?

See original Facebook post here

Lastly, only one colour but an amazing list of contrast being created, through tone, shape or texture......all very clever.

Pantone Color
See original Facebook post here.

Kreative kisses,

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Mistakes - A Blessing or a Curse?

The first part of Aspire Gallery - Aspire Gallery Online - is getting closer.
It is looking beautiful and will provide a wonderful opportunity for artists to showcase  their work.

Unfortunately, the technology involved in creating something that seems so simple, is mind-boggling. The easiest way to relate the website's development is to undertaking a very complex maths sum at school...........make the slightest  mistake and the whole outcome changes.........Remember, the frustration of having the wrong answer and having to scroll back through every line to find the error? Now, triple this ten-fold and it will explain the situation I've been experiencing.

It is not so black and white with mistakes in art and craft though.

In knitting, if you drop a a stitch, your piece loses the intended form. You can try to hide your mistake by adding a stitch or stitches in a later row, keep going and be happy with the variant, or you can unravel the stitches back to the mistake and correct.

Mistakes in art and craft become subjective. Sometimes, the beauty is in the mistake and a piece  becomes more appealing because of its' 'flaw'. This is especially so in watercolour.

Backwashes in watercolour are usually accidental in nature. They occur when you lay two different washes close together and one happens to touch the other, the wetter of the two will flow into the other. Water - spotting is when water is accidentally spilt and damages the watercolour.

Both of these accidents, to the traditional water colourist can spell disaster. However, such mistakes can have a wonder in themselves. I get quite excited when they happen accidentally in my work and create their own unique quality.

More so, it is when water spotting and backwash are used in combination wondrous effects can be created. It is just knowing how to use such accidents to your advantage.

For example, when clear water is dropped on a very wet wash a soft and subtle effect is created. When water is dropped just before a wash is dry the effect is harsh and creates hard edges. The drier wash is less likely to flow back into the water to soften the edge.

Interesting backwash can be achieved by touching the edge of a wash with clear water. The pigment gets pulled away and concentrated.

The example below shows where the pigment is being pulled away.

Some artists like Björn Bernström, deliberately use such a technique to form the basis on their work.

See the examples below.

See original image here
See original image here

Kreative Kisses,

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I'm feeling inspired by my beach trips the last couple of days!

I wonder whether this artist is being somewhat ' tongue in cheek ' with the title, but perhaps not. INSPIRATION comes from all sources, even the most unexpected, and that is what creativity is all about. 

I am trying to get my head around all the technology of posting on a blog, but my goal is to share lots of creative ideas that will hopefully inspire.

Please feel free to give me links to other sites you find inspirational.

Today, for example, I was most impressed by a Facebook post by The Threads Studio. It not only posted a photograph that inspired inspiration, but went one step further and showed how to achieve your desired inspiration (see photos below). Very clever.

See original post here

See original post here

Facebook, is in fact quite an amazing inspirational place in itself. Photographs that exhibit an almost 'lost and found' subtly can provide inspiration for watercolours. Artists can be shown ideas, methods or skills that they have never even thought of. Some quotes can just make you think - which may in turn develop into further exploration.

Presently, Aspire Gallery's own Facebook page is trying to do that a little........inspire and to spread creativity - two wondrous traits that just makes the heart feel happy.

Also, look at Aspire Gallery's  PINTEREST. There are some beautiful pieces of work that, again, are inspirational themselves.

As for me, I am trying to find inspiration for my own wet-on-wet watercolour figures and a way to simplify them to purely beautiful forms.......a much harder skill than I imagined.

Kreative Kisses,

Monday, January 6, 2014

Aspire Gallery inspires to aspire

With a background in design and art I get great enthusiasm from wonderful creative people and the objects or art they create - hence the concept for Aspire Gallery was sown.

Aspire Gallery is an actual physical building that is still undergoing the final finishing touches before it opens.

Once opened though it will be a creative hub, offering jewellery cabinets, plinths and wall space for lease to both emerging and established artists, craftspeople and professionals aspiring for greater exposure and recognition of their work.

It will also be a place that will host exciting art, craft and design workshops.

In the meantime, I am in the process of opening Aspire Gallery Online where you can list your work for FREE that is easy to use and navigate.

A Facebook page exists to keep everybody in the loop.

I also want to connect and spread inspiration, but as not to continually clog everyone's newsfeed I have started this blog.